#Note/Permanent #Obsidian/QuickCapture #IOS/Shortcuts
> [!warning] **Compatibility Note**: This tool is specifically designed for Apple devices.
## Purpose
The goal is to capture fleeting thoughts with minimal friction using a voice-to-text shortcut. This iOS shortcut enables a quick tap to record, transcribe, and store thoughts as fleeting notes in Obsidian's daily note, tagged with `#VoiceMemo`. This seamless process ensures valuable ideas are preserved for later refinement following the [[Permanent Note Creation|permanent note creation]] workflow.
## Setup
1. **Obsidian Configuration**: Ensure your [daily notes](https://help.obsidian.md/Plugins/Daily+notes) in Obsidian are set to the `YYYY-MM-DD` format (this is the default setting).
2. **Shortcut Installation**: Click [here](https://www.icloud.com/shortcuts/87e41c727aa44f22a004241d47e57971) to install the 'Voice To Obsidian Daily Note' shortcut.
3. **Shortcut Customization**:
- Open the Shortcuts app and find the 'Voice To Obsidian Daily Note' shortcut.
- Tap the `···` icon to edit the shortcut.
- Navigate to the action where the Obsidian folder is selected and update the path to your specific daily notes folder, as shown in the accompanying image.![[Voice_to_note.png]]
4. **Accessibility**:
- Add the shortcut to your iPhone's Home Screen for easy access ([instructions here](https://support.apple.com/guide/shortcuts/add-a-shortcut-to-the-home-screen-apd735880972/ios)).
- For even quicker access, set up a double back tap to trigger the shortcut ([instructions here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT211781)).
## Usage
Activate the shortcut to start recording your voice. The device will transcribe your speech into text. Once finished, either press the stop button or swipe up on your screen. Your transcribed text will automatically append to today's daily note in Obsidian.