#Note/Permanent #Obsidian/QuickCapture #IOS/Shortcuts > [!warning] **Compatibility Note**: This tool is specifically designed for Apple devices. ## Purpose Effortlessly capture fleeting text information on your iPhone. This iOS shortcut leverages the native share feature, allowing you to quickly select and share text directly to Obsidian as fleeting notes. These notes are automatically tagged with `#QuickNote` in Obsidian's daily note, ensuring that valuable text snippets or references are stored for later review and potential integration into your [[Permanent Notes|permanent notes]]. ## Setup 1. **Obsidian Configuration**: Confirm that your [daily notes](https://help.obsidian.md/Plugins/Daily+notes) in Obsidian use the `YYYY-MM-DD` format (the default setting). 2. **Shortcut Installation**: Install the 'Share to Obsidian Daily Note' shortcut by clicking [here](https://www.icloud.com/shortcuts/31b784591fae471a83eabca6393697e2). 3. **Shortcut Customization**: - Open the Shortcuts app and locate the 'Share to Obsidian Daily Note' shortcut. - Tap the `···` icon to edit. - Update the Obsidian folder path in the action to your specific daily notes folder. Reference image: ![[share_to_note.png]] ## Usage 1. In your browser, select text on a webpage and tap the `Share...` button. ![[share_to_note_step_1.png]] 2. Choose the `Share to Obsidian Daily Note` option in the share menu. ![[share_to_note_step_2.png]] - The first time, the shortcut may request permission to write to your daily note file. Review and grant access as needed. 3. The selected text will be automatically appended to today's daily note in Obsidian.![[share_to_note_res.png]]