#Note/Permanent #Habit #Health/Sleep #Mocha ### Understanding the Habit **Observation**: I've noticed a reflexive habit where, upon waking up, I immediately reach for my phone to check social media. This often leads to aimless scrolling, driven more by muscle memory than conscious intent. **Nighttime Usage**: My evening routine often involves using my phone or iPad for activities like reading Hacker News (which I find beneficial) but also watching content on Netflix, Plex, or YouTube. This stimulating content tends to delay my sleep, disrupting my sleep schedule and affecting the following day's rhythm. ### Negative Effects **Biological Impact**: Smart devices emit [blue light](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biological_effects_of_high-energy_visible_light) which can disrupt the body's circadian rhythm and cause eye strain, especially at night. Prolonged exposure to blue light, especially before bedtime, can suppress melatonin production, a hormone essential for regulating sleep. This suppression can lead to difficulties in falling asleep, reduced sleep quality, and overall disruption of sleep patterns. Additionally, excessive screen time can contribute to digital eye strain, characterized by dry eyes, headache, and blurred vision. **Behavioral Impact**: In the mornings, my device usage results in procrastination, delaying my wake-up time by about 10 minutes. At night, this procrastination extends my bedtime by approximately the length of a TV show episode (25-60 minutes). ### Implementing a New Behavior **Strategy**: To counteract these habits, I've decided to keep all smart devices out of my bedroom. This includes my iPhone, iPad, laptop, and PC. An exception is made for a Kindle, as its e-ink screen does not emit blue light. To minimize blue light exposure from Kindle's background LED light, I either turn off the Kindle's background light and use a warm external light source, or using the kindle's warm background light. **Alarm Clock Solution**: One challenge was replacing my phone's alarm function. I've adopted a [sunrise alarm clock](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dawn_simulation) which offers a natural wake-up experience with less grogginess. For those looking for more unique alternatives, consider options like the one shown in this video: ![](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lh2-iJj3dI0). **Cuddle Solution**: To address feelings of disconnection before sleep, I've found comfort in conversing with loved ones or spending time with my pet. Mocha, in particular, has been a great companion. His listening skills and warm presence provide a sense of connection and comfort, even thought he falls asleep before I do sometimes: ![[mocha_handsome.jpeg]]